- 梅特勒mettler inpro 8600i turbidity & color sensors
品牌:梅特勒 材质:铸铁 性能:不阻塞 泵轴位置:卧式 叶轮结构:封闭式叶轮 叶轮吸入方式:单吸式 吸入口径:20 mm 排出口径:20 mm 型号:8600i
梅特勒的传感器用于测量各种重要液体分析参数,例如 ph 值和容氧水平、水的电导率和电阻率以及总有机碳等,始终确保制药、生物技术和其他行业客户获得可靠的产品质量,并符合法规标准。我们的变送器和连接金沙软件免费下载的解决方案可采集数据,并能有效灵活地将其集成至控制系统。wort, condensate, and finished product turbidity and color
the inpro 8600i series of turbidity and color sensors is designed for monitoring beer, beverage, and condensate of whey water in upstream and downstream processes. they provide accurate measurement using forward scattered light technology. upstream, in the brewhouse, the inpro 8600i series monitors wort turbidity to ensure production efficiency and reproducible batch-to-batch wort quality. downstream, they help ensure consistent color and clarity of your product to meet your customers' needs.
verified uptime and accurate measurement
to ensure consistent, accurate measurement from start-up through the lifetime of your equipment, the inpro 8600i family of turbidity and color sensors are 12-point factory calibrated for turbidity and 6-point calibrated for color. this multi-point calibration gives you high confidence in your measurements. additionally, the inpro 8600i series of turbidity sensors uses intelligent sensor management (ism) technology to monitor sensor condition and help maximize uptime.
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黄先生 先生